How to change your DNS Server to Cloudflare and Google’s and more tips and tricks for windows users!
Here is a guide for how to check your DNS settings and configurations for sites you own or want to visit. Some of these tips are for beginners but there are plenty of new things even for advanced users to learn!
The terminal/command prompt commands I will be using in the post are only relevant to windows users… If you have a Mac or Linux they will not work…
1) How to open command prompt and some cool commands
Win + R -> type CMD -> click Ok or press Enter
Command choices:
ipconfig — generic stats about your network adapters and IP addresses
ipconfig /all — more detailed view
getmac — returns the MAC address of all the devices on your computer
whois — want to see who owns a website, when it expires and who the domain registrar is? On windows, this doesn’t come built into the operation system but it is a package which you can add do do the check. You can add the path location to your environment variables which allows you to run it in any directory via CMD.
setx whois “C:\enter your directory here”